Updated: 2 days ago

There were many memorable moments at the Redcliffe's U3A Seniors Concert held at the Redcliffe Senior Citizens Centre on Saturday 19 October 2024. Starting at 10:00 am, this year’s concert was themed "Memorable Music from the Movies". The $15 tickets were great value for money as they included a light lunch, and fantastic entertainment.
Our talented seniors in the U3A musical groups and line dancers performed your favorite songs from the most wonderful movies like Westside Story, The Beatles, and The Way we Were.
Our fabulous Treasurer, Rhyll Gardner, once again took part, this time in the Gusto Music item as Lucy from the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Rhyll in costume

With friends after the show
We'd love to share your memorable moments with our Centre members. Please send photos and info to Or even better, you can post them directly to our Redcliffe Senior Citizens Centre Facebook site