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2024-2025 Management Committee

After another successful year and a well-attended AGM, the Redcliffe Senior Citizens Centre has appointed its management committee for 2024-2025.

Many of the committee members elected to nominate for another term. A very big thank you to outgoing Treasurer, Judy Tait, who has completed three consecutive terms of office as Treasurer and leaves the Centre in a strong financial position.

Outgoing Secretary, Rhyll Gardner, has stepped in as Treasurer, and we have a new Secretary, Craig Longoria. We also welcome another new committee member, Jenny Hartwig.

Chris Mills (President) seated, then from the left are Rhyll Gardner (Treasurer), Trevor Barber (Mahjong)

Lynn Barber (Mahjong), Pat Heyder (Line Dancing), Rosie Wheeler (Line Dancing), Geoff Wheeler (Vice President), Craig Longoria (Secretary), Jenny Hartwig (Line Dancing), and Ross Clark (Cards 500).


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